Bionic Gardening Gloves for Arthritis in the Hands

I first noticed Bionic Gardening Gloves because they were recommended by the Arthritis Foundation, and my battle with arthritis in hands and joints has become more prominent as I've gotten older. I've eaten herbs such as ginger which help act as an anti-inflammatory and increases circulation. If you've got arthritis in your hands like myself, or are just plain tired of getting stuck by those nasty thorns when pruning your rosebushes, bionic gardening gloves may be for you. The same designers of the world-famous Louisville slugger bat have produced these line of gloves.
Designed for men's and women's hands, and with multiple patents to their name, these gloves offer a design with fit, performance, and flexibility. Arthritis pain can sometimes stop a person from doing what they enjoy. I'll try about anything to keep active. Some interesting facts I obtained courtesy of the Arthritis Foundation include the fiollowing:
- 2005 – 66 million (nearly 1 in 3 adults) -- 42.7 million have doctor-diagnosed arthritis and 23.2 million people live with chronic joint symptoms, but have not been diagnosed by a doctor
- Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic health problems and the nation’s leading cause of disability among Americans over age 15.
- Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability.
- Arthritis limits everyday activities such as walking, dressing and bathing for more than 7 million Americans.
When I first heard about the extended wear bionic gloves I became instantly intrigued. The term "bionic" had me thinking back to Lee Majors and the television show. These gloves are ergonomically designed with extended wear in mind. Arthritis in hands and joints can curb the joy of working outside with your plants. I was obviously skeptical before buying a pair. After wearing the bionic gloves I noticed less fatigue in my hands. I put a lot of wear and tear on my tools and these gloves have held up extremely well. For a guy with arthritis in the hands who also loves gardening, these are a blessing.
Check them out!
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