How to Grow Chamomile for the Basic Herb Garden

Chamomile is an excellent choice for the basic herb garden. It's dried flowers are used in tea and oils. There are two major varieties. German Chamomile, which is an annual that generally grows around 3 feet high. Roman Chamomile, the second variety, is a perennial which only grows to around five to 12 inches tall. I enjoy planting this type between decorative rocks, and placing them on a garden paths.
Planting chamomile can be done two basic ways in the herb garden. This plant is a reseeder, so scatter your seeds on top of the soil and they will naturally seed themselves. If you are planting actual plants however, choose ones that look healthy. A full set of leaves and no flowers is best. This allows growth focus on the roots.
The location for planting should have plenty of sun, and a good drainage system for the soil.
I sprinkle my seeds in the spring after the last frost. Usually the seeds are spread about 5 inches apart. Chamomile is also a spreader, so plan for that. Its an excellent ground covering plant.
Fertilize regularly and pick dead flowers as needed to allow new bloom growth.
This plant can really take off when it starts growing. Pruning a few times a month should easily keep it under control. The beautiful flowers produced will add a nice addition to your basic herb garden.
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