
Tom Greenthumb Gardening

Friday, March 31, 2006

Kitchen Tip: Dry Your Own Herbs

If you're like me, sometmes you grow too many fresh herbs in the garden. Martha Stewart offers some great advice for drying a partial amount of the herbs.

'When you buy a bunch of fresh herbs and need only a bit, here's how to save the rest.

How It's Done
Wrap a piece of kitchen twine around the stems, creating a loop. Hang the bunch, upside down, in a cool, dry place. Most herbs will take from four to ten days to dry. Once they're crisp, pick leaves from stems, and place in a tightly sealed jar. Label and date.

Store in a cool, dark place; dried herbs will keep for about six months.

Note: Use this technique to dry sturdy herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, and sage.'

Read more at Kitchen Tip: Dry Your Own Herbs


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article here. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on gardening (mostly vegetables, and maybe fruit bushes) like raspberries? I am in my first home and would like to start my own extensive garden- tomatoes, onions, herbs (which I've grown) cukes, squash etc...any help would be very appreciated. THANKS!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Tom Greenthumb said...

Hi. I'm not sure what climate you're in, but any of those items you mention grow decent just about anywhere.

Talk to your local nursery. Ask their suggestions.

Plan your garden out on paper, and plant what you enjoy. Experimenting is half the fun!

9:13 PM  

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